Probate & Letters of Administration
Often the first step in dealing with the assets of your loved one after they pass away can be the most overwhelming. Obtaining a grant of probate or a grant of letters of administration is a Supreme Court process that is very specific and regulated. Our expert solicitors understand this process and can help you get this initial stage complete quickly and simply.
Deceased Estate Administration
Whether it’s the family home or a large share portfolio, all assets belonging to a deceased person need to be dealt with in some way. In estates of all sizes, the executor or administrator of the estate must liaise with government departments, financial institutions and other stake holders to finalise the affairs of their loved one.
We can help with the smallest or largest of jobs, including any one or all of the following:
- Interpreting the Will of the deceased in accordance with the law
- Advising executors, trustees and beneficiaries of estates and trusts
- Liaising with government authorities, financial institutions and other stakeholders
- Applying for probate and letters of Administration in the Supreme Court
- Advising on and administering estates where there is no Will
- Identifying and collecting estate assets and accounting for liabilities
- Collection and/or transfer of estate assets, including (but not limited to) bank accounts, real property, shares, loans, insurance sums, superannuation
- Paying estate liabilities and testamentary expenses
- Advising on and administering testamentary trusts
- Organising estate tax returns
- Distributing and finalising estates

Estate Litigation and Disputes
Multiple issues can arise at the beginning, during or at the end of the administration of a deceased estate. The types of disputes that often arise can include:
- contesting a Will where a spouse or child has been left little or nothing in the estate;
- challenging the validity of the Will; e.g. where the deceased lacked the capacity to make the will;
- challenging the actions of a trustee acting inappropriately or fraudulently.
Estate litigation is a highly specialised area and requires a detail understanding of the law that applies. Whatever the estate law issue, we can help you resolve your dispute and find the best outcome for you.
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Allow Swift Legal to help you deal with the deceased estate issues you are facing during one of the more difficult challenges in life.
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